24Hr Emergency Restoration Service
Suffolk & Nassau County
(631) 882-7411

Flood DamageWater DamageTips For Dealing With Water Damage From A Burst Pipe

June 5, 2023

Almost all of us have had to deal with a burst pipe at some point or the other. It may be at home, work, or a friend’s place. Sometimes pipes can burst even in the most well-maintained buildings. This can lead to extensive damage in your home, requiring prompt and professional attention. At Bright Side Restoration, Inc., we understand the urgency and stress of emergency water damage restoration. As experts in emergency water damage restoration, we’re here to guide you through this challenging situation efficiently and effectively.

When faced with a burst pipe or preparing for such an event, taking some measures will help you navigate the process smoothly and minimize the impact. These tips can help minimize further destruction. Bright Side Restoration, Inc. recommends taking immediate action to mitigate the extent of the damage.

Bright Side Restoration, Inc. offers emergency water damage restoration in Nassau and Suffolk County, Long Island, including Brentwood, Islandia, and Hauppauge. Our skilled team is ready to assist you throughout the restoration process. We provide premier customer service 24/7, 365 days a year. Our team of water damage restoration professionals is qualified and experienced and uses the most advanced, specialized restoration and repair equipment. Bright Side Restoration, Inc. is committed to our customers’ satisfaction, and we give them fair and accurate work estimates. 

Identifying the Source of a Burst Pipe

Identifying the source of a burst pipe is essential for emergency water damage restoration. When you suspect your home has a burst pipe causing water damage, it’s important to take immediate action. Contact an experienced emergency water damage restoration service near you immediately. An expert will be able to identify where the leak or broken pipe is coming from and start the process of restoring your property quickly and efficiently.

To locate the source of a burst pipe, an emergency water restoration company can use specialized equipment, such as infrared cameras, to detect any dampness in walls and ceilings. They may also inspect plumbing fixtures for signs of corrosion or leaking pipes, which could indicate a breakage somewhere else within the system. Additionally, they may run tests on the soil outside your house to check whether any underground leaks are causing problems with your pipework. All these steps help identify all sources of potential water damage before repairs can begin.

By taking swift action when identifying the source of a burst pipe, homeowners can prevent further damage caused by flooding and mold growth across their property. Emergency water restoration services are vital for avoiding costly repairs down the line and keeping homes safe and secure during times of crisis.

Assessing the Extent of the Damage

To determine how much water was released and where it went, look for clues such as wet spots on walls or floors, discolored patches on carpets, peeling paint or wallpaper, and any other signs of excess moisture. Additionally, any electrical appliances located near the area affected by the burst pipe should be inspected to ensure no wiring has been damaged.

water damage restoration

Once the areas most heavily impacted by the burst pipe’s water are identified, ensure all accessible surfaces are cleaned and dried. This includes wiping down walls with a mild detergent solution and using fans or dehumidifiers to dry carpets and hardwood floors. It’s important to note that cleaning up after a burst pipe can be arduous, especially if mold growth begins to form, so calling a water damage restoration professional is safer.

It’s also essential to monitor humidity levels closely over the following few days so that future issues don’t arise due to lingering moisture in your home. Water damage restoration companies use a hygrometer to accurately measure indoor relative humidity (RH) levels. Anything above 50% RH could put your family at risk of health problems caused by mold and bacteria buildup. Suppose RH levels remain high even after proper drying techniques have been implemented. In that case, further investigation into more serious causes may be needed.

Safety Precautions for Dealing with Water Damage

When dealing with water damage from a burst pipe, safety should be the top priority. Here are some tips to help ensure the process is as safe and efficient as possible for everyone involved:

Personal Safety:

  • Wear protective clothing such as rubber gloves, boots, and eyewear when working around any standing or flowing water.
  • Ensure all power sources in the area have been turned off before entering the space. This includes gas lines, electrical outlets, and fuse boxes.

Home Safety:

  • Use dehumidifiers and fans to dry out wet areas quickly and safely.
  • Remove furniture, carpets, curtains, books, electronics, etc., away from affected areas to minimize further damage or contamination.

Take extra care when cleaning up after water damage; it can contain harmful bacteria that could cause serious health complications if not dealt with properly. It’s essential to follow proper procedures for disposing of contaminated items such as rugs, carpet padding, mattresses, etc., so you don’t spread contaminants into other parts of your home or neighborhood. It may be better to rely on a water damage restoration company if the extent of water damage is severe or there is a risk of contaminated water. 

Emergency Water Restoration Services

In the event of a burst pipe, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage. While many homeowners attempt to handle water damage independently, it is often best to contact an emergency restoration service as they have the tools and experience necessary for thorough cleanup.

Bright Side Restoration, Inc. provides reliable emergency water damage restoration services on Long Island. Our 24/7 availability ensures immediate response times to minimize the destruction caused by water damage. Our team of experts will thoroughly assess the situation before commencing any work, determining the necessary steps for complete mitigation of the issue.

Bright Side Restoration, Inc.’s comprehensive emergency water damage restoration services encompass various essential tasks. We prioritize the removal of standing water, as well as thorough cleaning and sanitization of affected surfaces to prevent mold growth or eliminate existing mold. We also use measures like dehumidifying wet areas and repairing structural damages from the burst pipe.

When you entrust Bright Side Restoration, Inc. with your emergency water damage restoration needs, you benefit from our fast turnaround times and experienced technicians who are well-versed in handling unique scenarios. We understand the situation’s urgency and employ our expertise to ensure your property receives the utmost care and restoration it requires. Rest assured, your home will be restored to its pre-incident condition with our professional assistance.

Contact Bright Side Restoration, Inc. immediately after a burst pipe incident, and our dedicated team will swiftly respond to your emergency water damage restoration needs throughout Nassau and Suffolk County, including Brentwood, Islandia, and Hauppauge. We are committed to providing efficient and effective services to restore your property and help you go back to your normal routine.

Dealing with Structural Damage from a Burst Pipe

Structural damage from a burst pipe can be devastating. It is crucial to act quickly and take the necessary steps toward restoring your property. Here are some tips for dealing with structural damage due to a burst pipe:

Minimize Further Damage:

  • Shut off all water sources as soon as possible.
  • Remove any furniture or other items that may have been affected by the flooding.
  • Take pictures of the damaged areas to document their condition before repairs begin.

Dry Out Wet Areas:

  • Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to help dry out wet areas in your home or business.
  • Check for signs of mold growth on walls and ceilings.

Repair Structural Damage:

  • Call a professional contractor if you need assistance repairing structural damages caused by water.
  • Ensure that all repair materials meet local building codes and safety standards.
  • Have an independent inspector inspect the repaired area to make sure it is up-to-code and safe for use again.

Cleaning and Sanitizing after a Flood

Make sure the source of water has been identified correctly and stopped. This will help prevent further flooding or contamination while dealing with the cleanup process.

The next step is removing any standing water from the affected area using buckets, mops, sponges, or towels, whatever works best for the particular space. Once all visible signs of moisture have been eliminated, use fans or dehumidifiers to dry out damp spots as quickly and efficiently as possible. It’s important to keep these machines running continuously until all surfaces are completely dry; otherwise, mold could develop over time.

Finally, once everything is thoroughly dried out, be sure to disinfect and sanitize all hard surfaces with an appropriate household cleaner or bleach solution (for clothing items, follow instructions given by the manufacturer). Doing this last part properly will go a long way toward preventing health problems. 

Handling Electrical Systems after Water Damage

When dealing with water damage from a burst pipe, it’s important to consider the repair of any electrical systems that may have been affected. It can be dangerous to attempt repairs on your own if you are not familiar with and experienced in working with electricity. Here are some tips for assessing electrical components after a water incident:

  • Unplug all devices and turn off the primary power source before attempting any repairs.
  • Visually inspect every outlet, switch, light fixture, breaker panel, wiring connection, or appliance to check for signs of damage such as discoloration, melting plastic, or corrosion.
  • If an inspection reveals possible complications or problems caused by water, contact a qualified electrician immediately.
  • All repairs should conform to local building codes and national safety standards.

In severe cases where extensive flooding occurred due to the broken pipe, insulation must be removed from walls and replaced if necessary. Additionally, outlets, switches, and junction boxes must be thoroughly inspected for moisture penetration, which will cause further issues down the line if gone unchecked. A professional electrician is best suited for these more complex tasks to ensure that there are no hidden hazards when restoring power back to the home safely. Taking proper precautions is essential when dealing with damaged electrics due to water damage from a burst pipe – leaving it up to an expert who understands all potential risks associated with this type of job is highly recommended.

Preventing Mold Growth 

Mold can quickly grow in damp environments and cause health issues for anyone exposed to it. To prevent this issue, there are some steps homeowners should take when dealing with water damage due to a burst pipe.

First, identify the source of water and eliminate any further leakage by turning off the main water valve or replacing parts as needed. Next, assess the type of materials affected by moisture – if they cannot be dried out completely within 24 hours, they should most likely be discarded. Finally, use fans and dehumidifiers to help dry out rooms that were impacted by flooding. Ensure the humidity levels remain below 50 percent and all surfaces are cleaned using an anti-fungal cleaner before allowing people back into the space.

Once these tasks have been completed, regularly inspect areas prone to mold growth over time—such as bathrooms or basements—and address any new signs immediately using proper cleaning techniques. This will help ensure that your family remains safe from potential mold exposure following a flood caused by a burst pipe.

Restoring Furniture and Personal Belongings

Once the water is removed from a burst pipe, it’s time to assess and restore furniture and personal belongings. It’s important to act fast when dealing with water damage, as certain materials are more susceptible than others to long-term exposure. Wood, for example, can warp and crack if left exposed too long. Upholstery items should be checked for discoloration or staining, while rugs may need to be professionally cleaned.

When drying out affected items, it’s best to use fans and dehumidifiers instead of heaters or open flames, which could cause further harm. It’s also recommended that a professional water damage restoration service be consulted instead of attempting any repairs on your own. They’ll have the right tools and know how to handle delicate pieces like antiques or family heirlooms.

It’s possible that some items simply cannot be restored after being damaged by water; however, taking quick action following a burst pipe can help minimize losses and preserve valuable possessions. Taking photographs of all affected objects before cleaning will provide proof in case an insurance claim needs to be filed later on down the line.

Drying Wet Carpet and Upholstery

The first step in dealing with wet carpets is to remove as much excess moisture as possible. This can be done using specialized vacuums or extracting machines explicitly designed for this purpose. Such tools will help pull out standing water from the carpets, which should be disposed of properly. Do not attempt to dry an area of saturated carpet without removing all visible liquid; doing so could lead to mold growth and permanent staining.

Once most of the standing water has been removed, it’s time to focus on drying any remaining dampness within the material itself. Fans can be used to circulate air around the affected area, while dehumidifiers work to reduce humidity levels inside your home or office building. It may also be necessary to separate mats into smaller sections before attempting to dry them completely. Doing so helps ensure that each piece receives adequate airflow and dries evenly across its entire surface area.

Emergency water damage restoration by professionals like Bright Side Restoration, Inc. will take quick action to remove moisture and dry carpets. We understand that delay can cause irrevocable damage and mold growth in carpets. Our professionals make sure that dangerously contaminated or damaged objects are discarded safely. 

Preventing Future Water Damage from Pipes

Some steps can be taken to prevent further water damage from a burst pipe. Firstly, it is vital to regularly check for any signs of wear and tear on the pipes. This should include checking under sinks, around toilets, or other areas where plumbing may be located. Look for cracks, leaks, or bulges in the piping that could indicate potential problems before they become major ones. Additionally, homeowners should inspect their home’s main shut-off valve annually to ensure it is working correctly and not leaking.

Another great preventive measure is installing a water shut-off system connected to all appliances and fixtures that use water. These systems detect moisture in unwanted places, such as carpets, floors, walls, and ceilings, then automatically turn off the water supply if needed. Having this type of protection can save time and money by preventing flooding and costly repairs from occurring due to unnoticed accidental spills or broken pipes.

Finally, having regular plumbing inspections done by a professional plumber can help identify potential issues with your home’s plumbing before they cause serious damage. A qualified technician will have access to specialized equipment that can help them diagnose hidden problem spots throughout your house’s piping network so you can get ahead of any issues quickly and efficiently. These small but practical steps now will ensure your home stays safe from future damage caused by water leakage from broken pipes.

Insurance Coverage For Water Damage Repairs

When it comes to dealing with water damage from a burst pipe, insurance coverage is essential. Homeowners should always check their policies and contact their insurer as soon as the issue arises.

Below are three tips for understanding your insurance coverage:

  • Make sure you’re familiar with any limits or exclusions in your policy before filing a claim.
  • Talk to your adjuster about what items will be covered by the policy.
  • Read over the repair estimates carefully to make sure they cover all of the necessary repairs.

It’s important to remember that homeowners have rights when it comes to insurance claims, and they should never feel pressured into accepting an offer that doesn’t provide adequate coverage for their needs. Understanding one’s policy and working closely with an experienced adjuster can help ensure that water damage repairs are done properly and completely without draining one’s wallet.

Selecting Professional Water Damage Restoration Contractors

When selecting a professional restoration contractor, it’s important to make sure they are adequately qualified and experienced for the job. Here are some tips for choosing a reliable professional:


  • Check reviews online from previous customers.
  • Ask around your community for recommendations or experiences with local contractors.
  • Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured.

Interview Potential Contractors:

  • Ask them about their experience in dealing with water damage caused by burst pipes specifically.
  • Review any contracts thoroughly before signing anything.
  • Get an estimate of how long the project will take and what materials will be used ahead of time.

Be Proactive During The Project:

  • Monitor progress regularly throughout the project and ask questions if something doesn’t seem right.
  • Document changes that need to be made during the process so there won’t be any surprises when it comes time to pay up at the end of the project.

Choosing a reputable contractor who can competently manage repairs related to the water damage caused by a burst pipe is essential for restoring your home to its pre-loss condition quickly and safely. Taking these steps allows you to ensure that you select someone who has expertise in this area, which is crucial for minimizing potential problems down the line.

water damage restoration services

The Benefits Of Emergency Water Damage Restoration Services

One of the main benefits of emergency water damage restoration services is their expertise. Experienced technicians know how to mitigate damage quickly and effectively, saving homeowners time and money in the long run. They also have access to specialized equipment that makes them better equipped to handle a wide range of water-related issues.

Here are some other advantages of enlisting professional assistance:

Fast response times – Professionals understand the urgency of these types of situations and strive to respond as soon as possible. Bright Side Restoration, Inc. is available 24/7, every day of the year, for emergency water damage restoration on Long Island, NY. 

Effective drying methods – The pros use advanced techniques such as thermal imaging cameras, dehumidifiers, and air movers to dry out affected areas with minimal disruption.

Comprehensive insurance coverage – Many contractors help their clients’ insurance claim process. Bright Side Restoration, Inc. offers direct billing to clients’ insurance companies for charges covered by insurance. 

Mold prevention – Technicians are trained in mold remediation procedures. They will take steps to prevent it from occurring after cleaning up the mess left by the burst pipe. Bright Side Restoration, Inc. is equipped to deal with mold. Our technicians are trained and experienced to inspect, remediate mold, and prevent mold growth and resulting damage. 

Safe disposal practices – Professionals adhere strictly to all local laws regarding the safe disposal of hazardous materials associated with water damage, ensuring that no further harm comes from the incident. We are licensed and experienced mitigation specialists at Bright Side Restoration, Inc. We are particular about safety, adhere to the highest standards in the industry, and follow all local laws and regulations in all aspects of emergency water damage restoration, including waste disposal. 

The right team of professionals can make a huge difference when dealing with water damage from a burst pipe; they provide peace of mind knowing that your home is being taken care of properly and efficiently — without additional stress or hassle on your part.


If you’re dealing with water damage from a burst pipe in either Nassau or Suffolk County, Long Island, we hope the above tips are helpful. It’s advisable to get professional help when dealing with water damage. If you need emergency water damage restoration Bright Side Restoration, Inc. in Central Islip, NY, is here to help. We understand the overwhelming nature of water damage and the importance of taking immediate action. Safety is our top priority as we assess and address the situation.

Our team of experienced professionals has the skills, training, and equipment to handle emergency water damage restoration. We have the expertise to restore damaged items and structures to their pre-incident condition. For extensive repairs or restorations, our professionals are equipped to handle the task with precision. At Bright Side Restoration, Inc., we can provide expert services tailored to your specific problem. We identify potential structural damages that require attention and recommend the most suitable solutions. We have access to specialized equipment that can quickly and efficiently dry carpets and upholstery, preventing further damage.

Taking prompt action is vital in minimizing the extent of the damage and restoring affected areas swiftly. With the assistance of Bright Side Restoration, Inc., you can trust that your property will be restored to its original condition in no time. Don’t let water damage overwhelm you—contact us today. Our professionals handle emergency water damage restoration in the Long Island area, including Brentwood, Islandia, and Hauppauge. Call Bright Side Restoration, Inc. if you live in these areas and need emergency water damage restoration services. We understand that water damage can be overwhelming, and you can trust our quick response and prompt service will restore your home to its pre-damage condition, which is safe and comfortable.